
Thursday, January 23, 2014

SLX ROM v.21/2x

SLX ROM v.21b/2x - tested

Original Forum - RU http://tinyw.in/ybOu

The only firmware (so far) that allows switching 3G from SIM to another.

To install SLX, first time install LiFe ROM that give you access to TWRP and then you can install SLX from Recovery.

Some key features: 

Clean Android without pre-installed apps from third parties; 
Root access; 
Chinese Soft eliminated; 
Google Play with all updates; 
APN updated; 
Aplerare FotoID in full screen; 
Function Clear - Celemi latest applications - with long press Home; 
Engineering Mode available in the developer - Settings - Options; 
HDR Camera 4.3; 
Recorded 1080p in MP4 format;

Download: http://tinyw.in/gKJp or from HERE

Update v21>v21b: http://tinyw.in/WT9H or from HERE

  1. Copy SLX (archive) on phone memory or SD. 
  2. Phone restarts in Recovery. 
  3. Wipe data;
  4. Install the ROM and then wipe data again. 
  5. Reboot the phone.
In case that the installation from Recovery does not work, install CWM or TWRP, then install the archive with one of them.

For Update from v21 to v21b:

  1. Put the archive on SD;
  2. Reboot in recovery;
  3. Backup the acrual ROM + settings;
  4. Install the zip from the SD;
  5. Reboot.
For more details read at least the first 3 pages from the Russian forum posted above.

SLX v22!!!

  1. Download arhives from AICI.
  2. Put the archives SLXROM_v22-Lenovo_P780.zip and update.zipon phone or SD card storage.
  3. Restart in recovery (TWRP).
  4. From TWRP choose first SLXROM_v22-Lenovo_P780.zip and then update.zip for installing. Then Swipe to Install.
  5. At the end Wipe/Advanced Wipe and choose: Dalvik Cache, Cache and Data.
  6. Reboot/System, and have fun.

SLX v23!!!

Full ROM v23 -> http://yadi.sk/d/RJeaXGirHMFzH
Update from v22 to v23 -> http://yadi.sk/d/g4dxPjMkHMG6k

  1. Download archive from AICI or from above links.
  2. If you don't have already the v22 ROM, please follow the steps from v22 instaling guide: TWRP>install>select the archive with the ROM>swipe to install>wipel;
  3. If you already have the v22 ROM, please intall the Update: TWRP>Install>choose the Update archive>swipe to install>wipe.

SLX v.24a
For more info: http://tinyw.in/x1mt
Download: HERE
The changes are not so important, do I decided that is not necessary to put again the installing instructions.

SLX v25

- Fix threads ;
- Fixed black background icon in the Market ;
- Improved theme Phone .

- Fixed crash Google Maps ;
- Minor fixes Topics .

- New, exclusive theme based KitKat (new screenshots up) ;
- Added an exclusive tool for unlocking the screen of GravityBox (version 2.9.8 in GravityBox disappeared able to unlock in any direction. Screenshots in the header);

- Updated to the current version of the program.

Download: v25b
v25 Folder (all versions)

Have fun!


I've been using this for last 10 days. It works well apart from recording. All recordings are crackley and noisy , audio and video included.

help me find a solution?

Naresh, thanks for the feedback.

I will test the voice and video rec to see if the problem persist in my case.

I will reply soon.

I have tested the video rec and seems all good. for the voice rec i have no more space to test it.
You can try to install again the SLX ROM, or try the AOSP one, from the ROM section in the Blog.

Does this have English ? as all the screens seem to me in Russian.

Thanks for asking.
SLX has English language. I use it in English.
The screenshots are in Russian, because the guys that make possible to install SLX are from Russia, like you saw in the beginning of the post.
For other info please contact me.

Yeah, SLX seems the closest to a Stock Android to me for this Phone, are there any other options which you know of ?
And btw which Camera App does the SLX use ? the Lenovo Supercamera ? or stock ? I wouldn't like to lose some good apps with the Lenovo stock ROM like Lenovo Power and Supercamera.

As you see in the post, the camera is 4.3, but is not so good. Supercamera is much better. You can install Suprcamera, or LenovoPower after you will put SLX, I use Supercamera as default app. Anyway I don't know what I've did but Camera 4.3 is gone, so now I have just Supercamera which is very good.
If you like some pure Android, or close to it, you can try also the AOSP ROM. My colleagues from Softpedia told me that the sound is much better in headset with AOSP.

AOSP is too stock for me, is there any ROM which is closer to this stock Lenovo ROM without some Bloatwares.

You can try LiFe v5, from the blog. It's more light than the Chinese version, because you don't have the Chinese apps and stuff.

Hello Alex,
the first and the last screenshot are much different, the last one is of 4.4 android and the first one from 4.3? Maybe? Witch one is from SLX ROM?

No, this ROM has 2 launchers, they are the screenshots from both launchers.

Hello Branko.
You are not right.
SLX has Gravity Box. With Gravoty Box you can change a lot of things in the interface.
For example, my SLX has transparent notification bar, with withe icons, and the clock is in the middle ;)
For any problems, or questions don't hesitate to speak.

Hi, currently i am using slxrom on my p780. I guess there is some bug which causes the battery tab in settings to not show all the apps usage, like when i play a game, it doesn't show up as battery consumption in that battery tab, but only as screen or android system. so mostly i have usage from only 2-3 things i.e. Android system 96%, screen 4% etc. no pps show up. what can be the cause of this ?

Thank you for your answers! As soon as my P780 arrives I will install this ROM. Regarding your question Anurag, I suggest you install a third party battery monitor app.

Yeah, it is possible to be a bug. I, currently don't have this ROM anymore, so I don't know what is happening. Du Battery saver or Battery Doctor are ok, as a battery monitor app.

Hey Amar,
I will answer here for the AOSP post too.
So, the SLX is more stable than AOSP. I was having some problems in AOSP and after 15 minutes for playing in Gravity Box it crashed, so I was on SLX again. It is pure Android but you can play with the settings from Gravity Box for some design modifications.
It is 4.2.2 or something like this.
I hope soon to be available in 4.3 or 4.4.
I noticed that you have 8 GB version, please realize that on this blog are ROMs just for the 4GB version. I don't know any info about your version.

This Rom ( 23 ) it's based on 4.2.1.
Got any good 4.2.2 working flawless? ( i am using 4g P780 )

Yeah Victor, it is 4.2.1, but you have some stuff from 4.4. You ca check the Russian forum for more info.
X-Vibe has 4.2.2, and it works good for me.

Hello Edwin,
Thanks for the comment.
What language you want for this ROM?
EN and RU has for sure. I don't remember other ones because never interest me another than EN.

Hello Ivo,
Thanks for your feedback.
I guess the bugs are because I am not sure if this ROM is for 8 GB versions of just for 4GB.
Anyway I am glad that works and you love it.

rom has a language PL? works on ver 8gb?

Hello Marcin,
I really don't remember about all the languages from this ROM.
Regarding the 8 GB compatibility, I am not sure that it will be work on a 8GB version P780.
On 4GB version it works great.

Hi Alex Vornicu

I am Deepak from India using Lenovo P780 4Gb ROW version .
I have installed the SLX v24a version of ROm from your prescribed links. The rom is great and i have successfully installed it. Post installation there is no cellular network in my sim cards. The network bars are at NO NETWORK.

The rom is great but am not able to use my cell phones for incoming ang outgoing calls.

I have checked the baseband version after installeing the ROm it shows as S820.V51 2013/08/28 Please help me solving this issue.


Hello Deepz,

You don't have network because on installation process the IMEI from your SIM cards has erased. So now I guess you don't have network because of that...
Please read the FAQ section, Q22 and Q23.
Also I will putt a new troubleshooting for this issue.
I hope it will help you.

Hi Alex

My issue was resolved when I installed the modem p780 ROW version. The bandwidth that I got post installation was Lenovo 820. That's why there was no cell network in my cell.. After I flashed the Row modem, my cell is as good as new..

Thanks for reply I guess my query and my answer ll help guys with slx rom


Thanks for your feedback Deepz!

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Do u know any other rom that support sim1 and sim2 as 3g network?

Silver Fox,
The links for download are working for me. Please tell me is one of them are not working for you, and I will try to solve it.

How to install this rom? Can u explain 1 by 1..some MEGA links (folder not yet supported). Can u pls provide another link for MEGA?

For v21b : http://bit.ly/1jGWq99
You have the link for v24 in the post.
Also in the post is explained every step for the installation ;)

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I've successfully install v24a, Its just one problem. Why only 1 sim can search for network n the other sim cannot? When I try manual search it says error. Can SLXRom use dual-sim stanby on both 3G networks?

You can chance 3G service form one SIM to another, but not both in the same time in 3G.
Also, it suppose to have signal on both SIMs, not just one of them. Maybe there si a error on installation. You can make a factory reset or reinstall SLX.
If the problem persist, try to install v21b. I've tried to install v24 but it was not working to me, so now I have v21b, and works very well.

Help me solve my problem, Ive already install v21b and my network shows only 1. When i change sim1 to sim2, network on sim1 is undetectable n when i change to sim2 to sim1 s2 is undetectable. Ive tried factory databreset n reinstall SLX and it still the same.

Ive tried changing its modem into v23 s920-P780 it works but if I change its network 3G into Sim2 then the network on Sim1 is undetectable but when I enable 3G on Sim1..both network available. Can u help me about this problem? Im currently using SLXRom v21b on P780 8gb ROW

Silver Fox, do you have 2 SIMs in the phone or just one?
I don't know what is the problem.. Maybe one of the SIMs is not compatible with the network frequency...

Anyone tried to use the GPS on this rom? I can't even get the location pin-pointed when I tried it. Anyone has the same experience here?

Winston Lu, I have use GPS today, with v25b. It's working fine.

Thanks Alex for your feedback. It works on S123 stock rom. However, others are not. I tested with Chinese rom from S135 based. They are all the same. FYI, my p780 is 4GB.

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Alex, you are right. Actually it works. It takes more times than stock rom to pinpoint your location. Beside that, it must be open air area. I could feel the dramatically downturned of the GPS performance. Anyway, I just share it in case anyone was not that patient enough and doubt of the GPS functionality. Cheers.

I guess the first GPS connection is a little bit slowly.
You can try again another day after you have been connected to see of it's still slow.
Thanks for feedback.

is this works without switching from row version to chinese version?

My P780 8gb turn into bootloop after install slx v26. I follow your first instruction (v21). Am I miss something?

Noni Ira, the ROM is for 4GB phone only ;)

I already upgrade my phone to ROW S221, its mean kitkat. Should I downgrade to jelly bean for using this ROM ?

Tujuhan, you can try it.If you don't like it, re-install KitKat.
SLX is pure android and works really good.

Is this okay for the 8GB ROW version?

Ian, as you see in the comment section, there are some users with 8GB phones that have install this ROM.
The ROM is not dor 8GB phones, but you can try.

Alex, I tried to install the v.21 with the steps you said, it was successful, but as it booted, when I got to lockscreen it was fine but when I unlocked it, a pop up showed saying Forced Close Setup Wizard? I can't remember the exact words, but it's about the setup wizard not being able to launch? Can you please help me T^T

Never mind what I said above :) I worked it out already. Though I have a question again, when I open the File Manager, the Internal memory is named as "SD Card" while the real sd card is named as internal memory? and why is the internal memory so little? I have an 8GB version so it should have atleast 4GB of internal memory? Even in the Apps, I only have 1.2GB of free space T^T

I guess the problem is because the ROM is for 4GB phone, and you have 8GB one. That's why the partition is not right.

Hi Alex! Thanks for the ROM. Been using it for a long time and it works perfectly. Can you tell me where I can find the adb drivers? After installing this ROM, I can't seem to find appropriate drivers anywhere. Any advice would be helpful.

Hey Gughan, please try this archive form the link below
I hope will help you.

Hey Alex or anyone else on the Blog. Interested in the most stable Lenovo P780 rom that isn't restrictive when it comes to the sd card. Any suggestions?

Hey Iva,

I can say that SLX ROM is stable (this one is my daily ROM), but you can try also LiFe ROM.


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Iva, Try to change what you want, with Xposed Framework ;)

Starting to get the hang of it. Is calibrating my Lenovo P780 useful? If so what is the best way to calibrate?

Iva, I didn't calibrated it ever. The phone works good, after one year.

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Nếu mình muốn thay man hinh lenovo p780 thì chi phí nó hết bao nhiêu vậy shop

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Hi. I just installed this rom awile ago (v24a) but there are some issues. 1. There is no camera app, 2. Gallary does not detect photos on sd card, 3. Music player does not detect music on sd card and 4. Video player does not detect videos on sd card... PLZ HELP! with this rom i get such good signal unlike stock rom and it is very fast!! My phone is ROW lenovo p780 4gb. from china not india. Tried downgrading to JB before flashing but that didn't work either.

Looks neat. I have installed LiFe ROM as you instructed, rooted and flashed perfectly. Only that I have a problem in flashing the SLX ROM through the recovery mode, the TRWP recovery is accessible, before I flash the SLX ROM, I clean Dalvik cache, cache, data, system and it is successful but when I get to install the SLX ROM, it fails, written as "E: Signature verification failed". It's an SLX ROM V.26 that I'm trying to install, and my Lenovo version is 4GB. Thanks.

Fadzil, push the reset button and after that try to reinstall. This should work.

Thanks for the reply Alex, so if I push the reset button (in the back of my phone?) it will reboot and I assume the installment happens in the process? If so, my phone was bricked before and I had to unbrick it with meta mode. Now my phone is unbricked but the meta mode won't disable. The meta mode preventing me to get in to recovery mode (there is a little letter on the bottom of my screen, it says: Have been in meta mode, long press power button to boot normal, or something like that), thus not allowing me to install custom ROM from reboot recovery. So far, I've been flashing TWRP with MobileUncle tool, so I just flash recovery update and then it will ask to boot with TWRP recovery right away. One of the LiFe ROM feature is that when you try to reboot, it will give you choices to either reboot in normal mode or to reboot with recovery. I already done that, didn't work.

Fadzli, install the LiFe v0.3 from http://lenovop780en.blogspot.ro/2014/01/life-v030x.html
After that, you will have TWRP also and it will be possible to install any custom ROM.

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